At first they came from the skies. In the ensuing war, Earth was laid waste, but we had won...
But that was just the first strike - now the invasion has landed! Defeat the returning Titan horde in a series of epic ground battles, save the Earth, again, and command the counterstrike against their homeworld!
Construct and command your ground defences in a series of increasingly massive battles across the solar system, in our frenetic arcade mash-up of Real Time Strategy and Tower Defence!
Take a visit to R&D to discover the latest technology, then build a network of blaster turrets, rocket launchers and laser cannon, explosives, barricades and shield generators, refineries and reactors, and send forth your own droid army to battle the invading alien forces!
This is the BETA version - meaning we haven't quite finished the game yet! We've released the beta so you can decide whether to pre-order.
In the coming months we'll be adding new features, new game modes, improving balance and the GUI, and we'll be adding more content - the game currently has 4 playable worlds, with Titan to follow in the next couple of months